This page is updated regularly with new organizations endorsing the Charter, as well as their commitments to implementing it.
December 1, 2023
Austria endorses ‘Getting Ahead of Disasters: A Charter on Finance for Managing Risks’.
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November 29, 2023
The Centre for Disaster Protection endorses ‘Getting Ahead of Disasters: A Charter on Finance for Managing Risks’. Detailed commitments will be announced in due course.
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November 30, 2023
The Dirección Nacional del Sinae of Uruguay endorses ‘Getting Ahead of Disasters: A Charter on Finance for Managing Risks’. Detailed commitments will be announced in due course.
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December 3, 2023
Education Cannot Wait endorses ‘Getting Ahead of Disasters: A Charter on Finance for Managing Risks’. Detailed commitments will be announced in due course.
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February 5, 2024
Recognizing that agriculture is central in anticipating and averting hunger, FAO continues to work closely with governments and partners in preventing food crises by protecting agricultural livelihoods and productive assets through targeted disaster risk management interventions. FAO is among the pioneering agencies in anticipatory action (AA), and a longstanding advocate for pre-arranged and flexible finance to protect the most vulnerable people from the impact of predictable hazards and shocks.
FAO endorses the “Getting Ahead of Disasters” Charter and commits to put plans in place to scale up risk-informed AA for food security and agriculture, as part of existing programmes on resilience, Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The Charter is endorsed with the understanding that it should promote commitments to allocate additional pre-arranged financial resources to address the negative effects of climate-related hazards, in line with the additionality principle.
More specifically, FAO commits to:
• Make efforts to ensure that at least 20 percent of its emergency financing supports AA and approaches by 2025.
• Support member countries in developing AA protocols in the agriculture and food security sectors, with the goal to strengthen the linkage between risk analysis, early warning, and financing mechanisms for anticipatory action in order to protect and save the lives and livelihoods of the most vulnerable at-risk people.
• Provide guidance and support to FAO country offices worldwide to expand anticipatory programming as part of the suite of measures for disaster and climate risk management, including through the use of the SFERA fund as well as tapping into the environment and climate financing to ensure synergies.
• Support capacity building in adopting and implementing AA and strengthened collaboration with national and local authorities and key stakeholders.
• Advocate for increasingly shifting towards a more proactive approach to food crises also through strategic initiatives – such as the Global Network Against Food Crises, the Risk-informed Early Action Partnership, Early Warnings for All – including advocating for increased flexible and pre-arranged financing for AA.
• Continue to coordinate the collaborative work with several partners on drought preparedness as part of the Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG).
• Support the building of the evidence base on the effectiveness of AA and support the communication of key findings to global, regional and country stakeholders.
• Strengthen the application of the anticipatory approach along the humanitarian-development-peace (HDP) nexus.
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December 2, 2023
We, the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR), as the largest international network of civil society organisations working to strengthen resilience and reduce risk in communities, join the Chapter to pursue a shared objective of ‘getting ahead of disasters’ through improved use of finance, following the Network’s vision of a “world in which everyone works together to strengthen the resilience of people most at risk and prevent hazards from becoming disasters”.
We commit to come together to connect and collaborate to:
- Include all groups: Ensure the inclusion of all groups, particularly those most at risk.
- Promote gender equality: Implement gender-transformative approaches.
- Partner and collaborate: Work with and across all groups and levels to pursue the interests of people at risk.
- Start at the local level: Recognise the local context and understand community perspectives of risk.
- Mobilise different resources: Share resources, build on existing capacities, knowledge and other sources of resilience.
- Align policies with practices: Ensure coherence across disaster risk reduction, climate change and other development frameworks and activities.
- Be accountable to local communities most at risk: Ensure that we are accountable and challenge others to do the same
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November 22, 2024
The Government of Canada is pleased to be signing the Getting Ahead of Disasters Charter – recognizing the importance of early and anticipatory action in saving lives and infrastructure in the face of more intense and frequent extreme weather events.
The Charter directly aligns with and complements Canada’s priorities, investments and efforts in supporting early warning systems in LDCs and SIDS, as part of its climate adaption priorities – notably, through our climate finance investments (CREWS and SOFF) and chairing the Friends of Early Warnings, an informal group of 17 bilateral donors committed to advancing the goals of the UNSG’s Early Warnings for All initiative.
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December 1, 2023
- Increased support to the CERF – €14 million in 2024.
- New climate financing of €5 million to the CERF Climate Account in 2024.
- Increased financial support of €2.9 million to the START Fund (€1.4 million) and the START Ready (€1.5 million) – initiatives that fall under the umbrella of the START Network – including new climate financing.
- €2 million climate financing for IFRC’s Global Climate Resilience Programme and Platform .
- €1m contribution to the Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF), a joint programme of the United Nations and World Meteorological Organization.
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November 18, 2023
The call is in line with Norway’s policies for food security and climate, hunger and vulnerability (Combining forces against hunger – a policy to improve food self-sufficiency; Climate change, hunger and vulnerability) as well as the Norwegian humanitarian policy which calls for holistic interventions.
Within disaster risk reduction, Norway supports UNDRR, GFDRR, and ADPC.
Within early warning and weather services, we support CREWS, SOFF, the Norwegian Meteorolical institute, NorCap, UNOSAT, the Adaptation Fund and LDCF. Norway also have an open call for proposals on this topic.
Within anticipatory action, Norway supports CERF, FAO’s SFERA fund and WFP’s anticipatory action programme. Norway also supports WFP’s resilience building and has an agreement with the world bank on adaptive social safety nets.
Within insurance, Norway is planning to enter into agreements with ADRiFi og ARC Ltd.
Within climate and migration Norway supports PDD.
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November 29, 2023
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This Charter sets out principles for collaborative action to ensure better use of finance to manage risks and protect people in the most vulnerable countries from climate-related disasters.